Core Reactor Toolset for Engineering Simulation (CORTES™)
The BWXT Advanced Technologies LLC (BWXT AT) CORTES™ software suite combines data science, multi-physics and engineering expertise to accelerate the design and qualification of advanced reactor technologies. Using artificial intelligence, CORTES™ quickly assesses design requirements and expedites the overall engineering design workflow.
Importantly, the suite is not limited to a single technology. It can make evaluations across applications including mobile microreactors, space nuclear propulsion, fission surface power and fixed microreactors. CORTES™ performs efficient and robust evaluations to produce innovative solutions from pre-conceptual design to manufacturing. Uncertainty and sensitivity studies provide the feedback necessary to make informed design decisions.
This suite manages many variables, aiding the engineer in the exploration of the reactor design space. It adjusts thermal, neutronic, and structural components quickly and simultaneously. The engineer is empowered to improve configurations early on in the process. Integrating these disciplines enhances the overall design, increasing design margins and allowing for the quick adjustment of model uncertainties.
The standardization and adaptability offered by this tool mean it can be used across a broad range of applications. Indeed, CORTES™ offers us the opportunity to rapidly innovate safe and effective nuclear solutions for national security, space exploration, and clean energy.
The CORTES™ technology follows a requirements-driven process to produce detailed, qualified, and validated engineering products. Our ability to accelerate knowledge and make better decisions sooner reduces the costs of nuclear reactor design by shortening the journey from prototype to manufacturing.
CORTES™ output example: