BWXT AT has been intimately involved with the development of BWXT Medical product lines. Keeping the same ethos that drove the initiation of the Mo-99 program, we have focused on critical products with existing or growing market signals and supply issues. This focus, in turn, spurred BWXT AT’s development of its Lu-177 and Ac-225 programs. The development of these products is part of a larger effort across BWXT to foster the processes and systems necessary to provide the market - and patients - with the next generation of therapeutic and theranostic radiochemicals and radiopharmaceuticals.
BWXT entered the medical radioisotope market in 2018 with its acquisition of Nordion’s medical isotope business. BWXT’s strategic decision to enter this market was partially driven by the development of BWXT’s proprietary Mo-99 production process, which eliminates enriched uranium and the wastes that are associated with conventional Mo-99 production. Our patented Mo-99 production process sought to alleviate supply chain issues challenging the nuclear medicine field by using natural Mo targets in commercial power reactors. BWXT Advanced Technologies LLC (BWXT AT) spearheaded the development of this proprietary chemical process, the generator design, and various pilot test systems that are now being commercialized.